Total rail shut down as early as Wednesday 16 December

From Aslef’s website (mid-November):

ASLEF’s executive committee has set in motion a ballot for strike action of its 550-plus members working in First Capital Connect. The ballot result will be known on 9 December and industrial action could commence a week after that date.

At the root of the problem is the pay offer made by the company which consists of nothing this year, and 3% (or one percent over inflation if that is more) next year.

‘Last year the company was awarded the Evening Standard’s ‘award’ for the company which combined the worst service and the biggest profits,’ says union general secretary Keith Norman. ‘Our members want to improve the service – but they are also entitled to a reasonable share of any surplus they have created.’

Keith has informed First Capital Connect that ‘the company’s failure to satisfactorily resolve the 2009 Pay Review and its failure to resolve our concerns relating to a breakdown of industrial relations is totally unacceptable to ASLEF’, and given statutory notice of the union’s intention to ballot its members in First Capital Connect for strike action.

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