Hertfordshire County Council has launched a consultation on proposed changes to its charging policy for non-residential services in adult care.
Non-residential services support adults living at home, such as home care, day care, transport and meals on wheels. Around 10,000 people across the county who use these services will be sent a questionnaire to gauge their views.
The proposed changes are aimed at bringing the council’s charging policy more closely into line with the policies in place in other areas of the country. It is anticipated that the changes will generate an additional £2million per year.
Service users can give their views by
–emailing ACScharging@hertscc.gov.uk,
– calling 0300 1234044,
– writing to ACS Charging Consultation, Rm 239 County Hall, Hertford, SG13 8DP, or
– attending one of four focus groups which will be held throughout the county between 25 August and 8 September.
The consultation runs until 11 October. A final decision will be made by Cabinet on 29 November.
Any changes will take effect from April 2011.
The proposed changes can be viewed at www.hertsdirect.org/acsconsultations