The stage is set for a refurbishment of the Maltings Arts Theatre and St Albans City and District Council is asking residents to give their views on how the venue and its programme of drama, music, film and other arts can be improved.
The Council is planning to refurbish the arts venue and to provide access to film, live theatre and other events and an upgraded café/bar and a digital lounge to be used for film club events, arts workshops, specialist arts training sessions and business meetings.
It would like to hear from residents and users about what they like and dislike about the venue currently and their views on the type of programming it should provide before drawing up final plans.
Anyone interested in expressing an opinion on the Maltings Arts Theatre can do so by completing a short online questionnaire and/or joining in an online discussion forum on the Council’s website at
The questionnaire will be available from 23 August to 10 September 2010. Anyone who completes the questionnaire online will be entered into a prize draw to win one of four Marks and Spencer vouchers worth £25.
As part of this consultation, the Council has asked 700 members of its Community Panel to complete the questionnaire. The Maltings Arts Theatre has also written to the 3,000 subscribers of its Autumn brochure inviting them to take part in the consultation process.
Cllr Sheila Burton, Portfolio Holder for Culture and Heritage at St Albans City and District Council, said: “The Council is firmly committed to the Maltings Arts Theatre and is planning to refurbish the venue so that it can be used to host a variety of arts events, workshops and shows. I would urge anyone interested in the future of the arts venue to support it by contributing to this consultation and giving their view on how it can be improved. The results of the survey and the opinions expressed on the online forum will help the Council to develop a venue that appeals to a broad section of the local community.”
The results of the consultation will be included in a report on the Maltings Arts Theatre that will be presented to the Cabinet meeting on 5 October.