Holywell Hill water leak: update

Note from Herts Highways to local engineering team:

Veolia Water main repairs works at the above location have not gone to plan and are likely to continue until at least Friday (27th).

We did discuss the possibility of closing the site down and returning at a later date but felt the additional disruption this would cause would not be well received locally.

Given the continual issues with leaks in this locality we agreed it would be best for works to continue until the problem is resolved.

The temporary four way signals they are using are causing increased congestion at peak times at this already heavily congested junction in the city centre.

We have mirrored the temporary signal timings to those of the existing permanent set-up in an attempt to minimise impact. I have also requested the Variable Message Signs around the city are adjusted to advise the travelling public of these continued works.

We will of course continue to monitor the situation and respond accordingly to any excessive congestion.

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