St Albans City and District Council’s Scrutiny Committee has set up a special “Task and Finish Group” to act as the focal point for ideas on how best to use the land currently occupied by Council-owned garages for the benefit of the whole community, while balancing the interests of the local residents.
Their first meeting on 3 November at 7.30pm in the Council Offices will aim to establish terms of reference, provide a briefing to the group, elect a Chair and decide on the dates for future meetings. A preliminary report will be made back to the Scrutiny Committee in December 2010.
The ideas the Group are seeking from residents can be wide ranging and can cover anything from social housing; other housing; new garages; open land for car parking; play areas; green space; space for youths to “hang out”; long or short term storage; light industrial or office space etc.
A final deadline for receiving feedback has not yet been set, but the meetings will be over a period of several months, so if you have a view on specific garage sites, please let us know as soon as possible. Once the deadline is agreed it will be publicised. You can e-mail your suggestions to:
The Group will also conduct a review of all current garage sites; the rents charged; how many are empty and how many are fully utilised and how Town and Parish Councils might be involved in future, perhaps as managing agents. Solutions will also be sought for ways to reduce the risk of vandalism and anti-social behaviour at some garage sites.
Recommendations of the Group will be reported to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee in due course and if supported, will be presented to the Council’s Cabinet for consideration next year.