A report by the Care Quality Commission on how the Tory run County Council deals with Adult Social Services has flagged a number of issues in what many consider a vital service.
Liberal Democrat Spokesman on Adult Care Services, Councillor Allan Siao Ming Witherick, said:
“Over the last few years we’ve really seen the elderly and vulnerable suffer under this Tory run council. Many residents will recall the problems with the elderly care contracts.
“Sadly this report makes clear that there are still areas of concern which we will be scrutinising with the coming changes being proposed.
“The Commission specifically felt it needed to highlight the number of people waiting for adaptations and that there were still internal barriers contributing to delays. This just simply shouldn’t be an issue if the Council were working properly and effectively.
The very final recommendation of the report says it all – the Tories need to listen to the people they serve better.”
The report is presented to cabinet on the 29 November under item 7. Embargoed until the 25 November.
From Outcome 2: Improved quality of life, Areas for improvement on page 11
“• Continue to reduce the number of people waiting for a major adaptation; address the barriers that are contributing to delays.”
The final item in the report was for: Outcome 7: Maintaining personal dignity and respect, Area for improvement:
“• Utilise the knowledge of people who use services, and their carers, who have experienced the council’s safeguarding process, to suggest improvements.”