Message from the District Council (see important note at the bottom regarding updates)
The responses to the residents parking survey have now been reviewed. It has taken some time to review the responses as large area was considered to ensure that all residents that could potentially be affected by parking issues could provide feedback. The overall response rate was 73% with 47% wanting some restrictions, 49% did not want restrictions and 4% undecided. The responses then have been reviewed on a street by street basis and it was clear that some roads were in favour of controls. These roads are located closest to the rail station and Hatfield Road. It is therefore been recommended to progress residents parking in the areas highlighted below and in the attached maps.
Arthur Road
Brampton Road
Burnham Road
Clarence Road
Gainsborough Avenue
Glenferrie Road
Harlesden Road
Jennings Road (From No 1 to the junction with Churchill Road)
Park Avenue
Royal Road
Sandfield Road
York Road
Harlesden Road and Burnham Road responses did indicate that more residents were in favour of no controls, however as roads around the area have the potential to be controlled then there is a potential for displacement into these roads.
The next stage will now be for residents to be consulted on the design on the scheme so that feedback can be received and amendments considered. Should a road strongly reject the proposals they can be removed from the scheme.
Note: the maps referred to are below.
Important note
The following streets will also be consulted as part of the next stage:
Woodstock Road South (omitted by the Council in error)
Blenheim Road and Sefton Close (added because of representations made by residents)
Sunderland Avenue (added because of representations made by residents)
Is there any news regarding controlled parking in Vernon close?
Consultation continues and I expect there to be a report initially to councillors in the next few weeks
Whilst I am pleased that parking restrictions for the roads mentioned in your report will benefit residents in those areas, inevitably this will simply lead to parking problems radiating further out, either to the roads nearest to those to be restricted or a little further down a road with mixed restriction.
My concern is that all this plan will achieve is to shift the problem elsewhere with us having to go through the whole process of how best to resolve the problem with parking all over again.
A better strategy would be to make parking at the station more attractive in the short-term by lowering the cost in both car parks and in the long-term by knocking down the old station car park and constructing a multi-storey in its place.
This is an expensive option and would create parking problems whilst under construction but better to tackle the problem of street parking now – which might even get worse over time – once and for all.
We have spoken to the railway companies about this but they are adamant that their parking is cheap. As you imply, much of the problem comes from them and that lack of joined up thinking about the benefits to the community.
does this then mean the residents will have to pay for permits ?
Hi Chris,
Thank you for taking the time to properly understand the effect of proposed parking restrictions. Whilst there are currently few problems with parking in Sunderland Avenue if restrictions are applied to adjacent roads it is imperative that a limitation on parking is applied here too to avoid displacement.
In addition, to avoid potential inconsiderate parking, you might consider double yellow lines on the whole of Sandpit Lane.
Thank you for the response.
Hello Chris
I have a few people contacting me that Hatfield Road parking restrictions can affect the grocery shops, coffee shops, restaurants and places of worships adversely. I am a regular attendee at the Hatfield Road mosques (when the mosques are in operation) and, whilst it is a good idea to widen the paths for people to be able to observe social distancing, I do think it is going to create more parking issues for the residents living in the areas adjacent to Hatfield Road. Obviously, the Hatfield Road parking restrictions are going to be a bigger issue once the places of worships become fully operational in the usual way.
I think it needs to be consulted with the local businesses, places of worships and residents should the restrictions go on for long.
Also, what about disabled parking? Are these be exempt from the restrictions?
Thank you in advance.
I am trying to get as many removed as possible but the county council is proving very resistant.