Email received by us from the district council:
Our initial thoughts were and are that whilst Carlisle Avenue carries a 2 hour restriction, the closest CPZ to it carries an all day restriction and is quite heavily subscribed. Whilst we understand that the resurfacing of Carlisle Avenue will cause some inconvenience, we believe that the surrounding uncontrolled roads and the other 2 hour restricted roads would be sufficient for any overspill. We feel that should residents of Carlisle Avenue be allowed to park in the heavily subscribed all day restricted zones then there is the potential for those residents within the all day zone to justifiably make complaints.
With regard to Townsend car park (an NCP Car Park), this only has 33 spaces, is normally near to capacity during the week and we do not have an arrangement within the NCP contract to transfer residents to car parks.
We do get a work schedule from HCC at the beginning of the year; however it does change (presumably due to the weather and unforeseen circumstances), is not updated and we are not notified just before any works are due to start. We are however approaching HCC to improve the communications between us.