The application for extended hours has been withdrawn.
Chris calls for official report on taxi claims
Chris White has called on district council officials to produce a report to councillors at the next meeting of the council’s Licensing Committee, following reports in the St Albans Review about the level of criminal convictions among taxi drivers in the area.
Chris said: ‘The report on the face of it makes alarming reading. The public will naturally be anxious and I am hoping that officials can produce a report which will assure people that the situation is under control.’
Full text of report here.
District council consultation on draft street trading policy
Note from the district council
Street Trading – Final Consultation Draft 2012
Consultation on our draft Street Trading Policy We are now consulting on our Street Trading Policy. This consultation starts on 9th October and last for 12 weeks, ending on 1st January 2013.
This page explains how to access the draft policy and how to comment on the proposed changes. The results of the consultation will be reported to the Licensing and Regulatory Committee on 22nd January 2013.
Street Trading Policy
St Albans City and District Council has resolved to control street trading. This means that you cannot trade in any street in the district unless you have been granted a street trading consent. Street trading is allowed in consent streets but not allowed in prohibited streets.
Local traders provide an important contribution to the local economy and we want to support them and encourage more diverse trading. We accept that many people trade from stalls and provide a valuable contribution to the community. There are many different types of street trading. For example, an ice cream van, a stall selling flowers, a cart selling crafts or a burger van.
We will use this Policy when considering applications for street trading in the District. We have prepared the policy to make sure that it is written in clear language and easier to understand.
We have highlighted the significant changes that we think will be most important to traders:
• Amendment to how long it takes us to issue the permit – this has now been reduced from 60 days to 10 days (page 6)
• Amendment to how we issue consents – this has now been changed from a fixed period (April to March) to a rolling year from date of grant for 12 months (page 7)
Please send your comments on the draft policy to
Or by post to
Karen Hollands
Business Compliance Officer
Regulatory Services
St Albans City & District Council
Civic Centre
St Peters Street
St Albans
Car boot sale scandal
Residents have been contacting Lib Dem councillors to express concern that a company calling itself HB Boot Sales is planning to have a car boot sale every Sunday in Ridgmont Road station car park from Sunday 4 March.
Chris White comments: ‘This is outrageous. The railway companies own this land and are as usual treating local people with contempt. I cannot see how in a civilised country people should have to put up with a car boot sale outside their front doors for 5 hours on a Sunday.’
District Council officers are attempting to get the promoter to see sense but are limited in their power of intervention.
Chris added: ‘We will keep on pressing officials to take action to allow local people their much earned day of rest.’
The promoter plans to start at 9 am on Sunday morning.
Farmer’s Boy application for more live music nights
The Farmer’s Boy has applied to have an extra night of live (and amplified music) – ie Wednesdays.
Please let us know what you think by emailing Chris or Michael.
Chinese Cottage karaoke application refused
Formal note from district council
1. We note that the applicant submitted an application with a blank operating schedule – no consideration appeared to have been given to how the licensing objectives would be promoted.
2. We believe that insufficient consideration has been given to the overall operation of the venue with karaoke, live music and films, in particular:
i. Prevention of consumption of alcohol by under 18’s beyond the restaurant
ii. No detail of the type of films or the regulation of the noise from the films on the first floor.
iii. Conflict between the provision of off sales and their mandatory condition 1(a) on their existing licence
iv. Concerns that there are insufficient staff to regulate the licensable activities on the various floors
v. No details of the live music provision on the first floor
vi. Concerns about operation of premises and dispersal from the premises
vii. Concerns about the applicant’s understanding of the fire risk assessment
viii. Lack of details about the intended use of the Basement
ix. Concerns about increased disturbance to residents from the use of the outside area.
Chinese Cottage gain apply for 3 am karaoke licence
Chris has objected to the Chinese Cottage’s application to have karaoke until 3 in the morning.
Please get in touch if you wish to object.
Concern over Chinese Cottage Karaoke till 3.00 am proposal
Local councillors have started raising concerns over proposals by the Chinese Cottage to hold karaoke nights until 3 am – seven days a week.
Chris White says: ‘This is still a residential area and people do need to be able to get to sleep without this nonsense. I will certainly be objecting.’
Council and police check licensed taxis meet safety standards
St Albans City and District Council and Hertfordshire Constabulary are working together to ensure that licensed taxis meet the required safety standards by carrying out safety spot checks on vehicles.
In a recent exercise in St Albans, the police were assisted by the Council’s licensing compliance officers, when they stopped a number of vehicles to check that they met the required safety standards.
The Council as the local licensing authority for St Albans City and District requires that Hackney Carriages or Private Hire Vehicles meet minimum safety standards, for example, by undergoing regular vehicle tests which are more comprehensive than a normal MOT. Officers from Hertfordshire Constabulary help support the Council by regularly carry out high visibility safety spot checks on taxis.
The Council also ensures that licensed taxi drivers have undergone medical and criminal records checks and that they are properly insured. Random checks are also carried out to ensure that drivers are displaying their identification badges correctly.
Great Northern licence application seeks 3 am finish
McGowans (formerly The Great Northern) 172 London Road, St Albans, Herts, AL1 1PQ is seeking a licence variation allowing opening to 3am.
Representations should be made to:
Lucy Annetts
Licensing Admin / Hearings Officer
St. Albans City & District Council
District Council Offices
Civic Centre
St. Peter’s Street
St. Albans
Tel: 01727-819541
Fax: 01727-819433
Last date for representation is: 18th June 2010.
For further information click here.