The Liberal Democrats have today issued a cautious welcome for the Decision by the Conservatives to opt for a zero council tax increase.

Liberal Democrat Leader Chris White said: ‘This was one of the key pledges of our “Six to Fix” manifesto in 2009 – which secured considerable support across the county. In last year’s budget we outlined a number of ways in which this challenging target was set, only to be ridiculed and smeared by the smug Tory leadership.

‘This year they acknowledge that the public expect at most a zero council tax increase. But we need to make sure this is not funded by cuts in front line services but by real savings in what we pay suppliers and in management overheads.

‘We will be seeking:
– major cuts in management overheads, including in particular a reduction in managerial headcount
– renegotiations of contracts with suppliers to reflect the lower costs of operating during a financial downturn
– massive cuts in the council’s swollen self-publicity budget
– a freeze on using consultants

‘Unless the Tories pledge this they are not serious about relieving the burden on local taxpayers. They weren’t serious about it last year so it is difficult to see why we should take them seriously this year.’

Chris White added: ‘I am also extremely concerned to see that the Tories plan to dig into the council’s reserves. These are the council’s safety net – to protect the public in case of emergency.

‘The Tories should not be playing fast and loose with the council’s finances. If their plans for reorganisation come unstuck – as has happened before – this money is going to be needed to bail the council out.’

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