Swine flu update from the District Council

As of Friday 23 October 2009
The Chief Medical Officer has confirmed that he believes the second wave of swine flu is well underway. The rise in cases continues but is slow and steady, rather than the sharp peak seen in the first wave back in the summer.
In Hertfordshire, numbers remain steady with approximately 100 people collecting antiviral medication each day. Around 100 schools in Hertfordshire have reported some pupils with swine flu symptoms but no Hertfordshire school has what is classified as an ‘outbreak’ ( i.e. 15% absenteeism or marked increase in absentee rates due to flu-like illness).
In the past few days, important elements of the vaccination programme have been confirmed:
Each GP surgery will receive an initial 500 doses from 26 October. Following receipt of their vaccine supply, practices will be writing out to patients in the priority groups inviting them to attend a clinic as soon as possible. This means that practices are likely to be vaccinating their patients during both November and December.
A press release is to be issued by the PCTs this week to inform local people about the vaccination programme, explain why the vaccine is needed and how those in the priority groups will be invited to receive their vaccination.

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